Monday, December 1, 2014

Obinim is a sorcerer – Hare Krishna Movement

Spokesperson for the Hare Krishna Movement of Ghana has fired a salvo at Bishop Daniel Obinim for threatening former President Jerry Rawlings and popular television presenter, Afia Schwarzenegger.
Giana Chachus Das did not mince words describing the founder of the International Gods Way Church as a “sorcerer not a pastor”.
Bishop Obinim has incurred the wrath of many after he threatened to deal with the two [Rawlings and Afia] for criticizing his ministry.
In a video that has gone viral on social media, the Bishop while addressing his congregation said he would deal with Afia Schwarzenegger mercilessly in her dream.
“You sit on radio and TV and talk nonsense; I will be visiting you in your dream and deal with you ruthlessly.” Bishop Obinim cautioned those who do not understand spiritual matters not to judge or criticize pastors they perceive to be fake.
But in an interview with Adom News, Chachus Das said the recent comments by Obinim prove he is fake. In his view, the move by the ‘Man of God’ is devilish hence must be condemned by Christians in the country.
“No pastor can appear in dreams unless he is a magician, sorcerer or practice witchcraft,” he stressed.
The Bible even says vengeance is the Lord’s so why didn’t Obinim leave the matter to God and concentrate on his ministry,” he quizzed.
Chachus Das said Obinim is among those fake pastors who have brought the name of God and Christianity into disrepute. On the contrary, renowned preacher, Rev. Gabriel Ansah believes Obinim might have said that just to put fear in those criticizing his ministry.
“It’s impossible for any mortal human being to appear in dreams; even angels need God’s permission before they can appear in dreams.
Rev. Gabriel Ansah indicated that the comment by Bishop Obinim is unbiblical because pastors don’t control the human spirit.


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