Thursday, December 4, 2014

Ask the Doctor: I’m getting addicted to pornography. What can I do?

Dear doctor,
I’m a man who watches pornography everyday. I think I’m getting addicted and ask you to tell me. What can help me out.
Dear Chris,
Any material either in pictures or words that is sexually explicit and intended for sexual excitement or erotic satisfaction can be termed as pornography. This commonly takes the form of videos (blue movies), magazines and internet. 
Whereas many do it once in a while to arouse sexual interest when libido is low, or when they are sexually starved ostensibly to see their sexual fantasies acted out, others have got addicted and watch pornography almost daily leading to reneging on intimacy in their sexual relationships. A good number do it simply to aid masturbation. 
Masturbation done for sexual relief may turn out to be addictive itself as one has to do it again and again in search of an elusive sexual satisfaction which usually comes about with a pleasurable sexual act. Then one may have an addiction of not only pornography but also masturbation.
In order to be helped out one has to evaluate the reasons as to why he was involved in pornography in the first place so that when addressed one will not revert back to the same problem. In this and any other management, one requires services of a professional sex counsellor.

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