Thursday, December 4, 2014

Every maid is a reflection of her madam

"Most nannies come with baggage. They often come from sorry backgrounds — never in a job they are proud of. 
Let’s face it — being a nanny is one of those last resort jobs where one shelters from a rainy day as they wait for the world to open new opportunities for them - fact"

By now, the dust raised by the viral video showing Jolly Tumuhirwe mauling 18-month-old Arnella Kamanzi, is settling down. I hear there are “bosses” who even sent their nannies packing after they watched the gruesome video.
Well, let’s talk about nannies.
My bit is not their sorry wages, stomaching barking bosses, or working in near-inhumane conditions.
This is, however, no excuse for nannies to persecute our babies — granted.
You cannot delegate your children’s development to a stranger. You cannot go away all day, and return tired or drunk in the night. The usual “how is so and so” does not help matters — but — will get you one liners — “they are fine.” 
Most nannies come with baggage. They often come from sorry backgrounds — never in a job they are proud of. 
Let’s face it — being a nanny is one of those last resort jobs where one shelters from a rainy day as they wait for the world to open new opportunities for them - fact. 
Some nannies are lucky to meet good bosses who take good care of them as members of the family. Some may return to school, if lack of education is what came between them and their dreams.
Other nannies are promoted to work with their bosses in other businesses, depending on how resourceful they have been in their past assignments. Surely, not all nannies are losers.
My friend Leone proved it at his graduation ceremony. He didn’t have a gift for his dad or mom. He, however, had a Bible that he gave as a gift to the nanny — I think her name is Abwooli (or some other Kitooro pet name) who raised them when his parents were busy. Nevertheless, all trades have bad apples, and Jolly is among one of those.
When I watched baby Arnella being battered, I shed a tear like most people who saw the footage. Shocked, I shared the video with my wife. I saw her gnawing while looking on the sides to see her babies playing at the dining table. It was as though Jolly was in the house!
She did not hide her indignation. “I think I would end up in Luzira if this maid did this to my children because I would do something terrible to her,” she confessed. What followed was a conversation about nannies. 
First, I told her the meaning of the name Jolly Tumuhiirwe. “Jolly” — means “happy and cheerful”. Tumuhiirwe means “God-given”.
I imagine every employer wants a happy, cheerful and God-fearing nanny. Those are good qualities any parent would want in someone who deals with their fragile children.
Even with maids around, I am one who strongly believe parents should get involved in parenting.
It is shame upon Tumuhiirwe, but, shame upon you parents who think the maid will raise your children. And I will be honest with you. Behind every maid is the lady of the house. We, men, are only involved in payment, not hiring or management of nannies. And that is why there is that unwritten rule. Men don’t want to get involved in the hiring of maids or they will be accused of sleeping with the poor girl. I can conclude — the quality of a maid — is as good as the one who hires them. I believe — every maid is a reflection of the one who hired her. So, if the worst maid in the market is one you have at home — blame the one who hired her. 
This is so because some women concentrate on their fears (ladies fear witty and good looking maids) rather than the core job the maid is being hired to do. 

My take: if you have children you care about, put thought in hiring who deals with them, be it a school to educate a doctor to treat them, or nanny to live with them.
By Mike Ssegawa

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