Saturday, November 29, 2014

HIV offender nurse released from jail

A Ugandan court has released a woman who was convicted of attempting to infect a child with the HIV virus by pricking her with a contaminated needle
Rosemary Namubiru was convicted in May for pricking a baby with an HIV infected device which she’d first used on herself. Her release follows a successful appeal challenging her conviction and three-year sentence.
In her appeal, according to the daily monitor, she insisted that her conviction and sentence were too harsh for her and that the trial magistrate Olive Kazarwe failed to properly evaluate the evidence on record and reached a wrong conclusion.
The presiding judge Albert Rugadya Atwooki found that her three-year conviction was excessive and ordered her immediate release from Luzira prison.
“I was satisfied nonetheless that the circumstance of this case require a sentence which is lighter than the meted out by the trial court. The ground of appeal on sentence therefore succeeds to that extent. The appellant is thereby sentenced to such a period of imprisonment as shall enable her go home immediately, I so order”.


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